Zoom Video

5.0 star rating
1 review

We install IP CCTV cameras with outstanding picture quality.

33 Star Cresent, Hallam, VIC, 3803

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Why Zoom Video
Small and medium sized enterprise owners have a lot to deal with. From staff productivity to OH&S risk, megapixel video is the one medium capable of answering the burning question "Whats going on in my business?". Zoom Video is here to give Australian SME's the same video communication tools big business uses in a package you can afford with the support you need. We are passionate about boosting your business performance and mitigating such risks as employee theft and fraud.

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Cash, Bank Cheque, Money Order, Eftpos, Amex, Mastercard, Visa, Diners

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Immeasurable peace of mind when away from the business...

5.0 star rating

I spend a bit of time in the country so ZoomVideo helps by giving me a remote view of operations. Since I have a ZoomVideo camera in the car park, I can tell when someone is late to work, or if something is out of place in a container.

Once a container with valuable stock was left unlocked on a Sat evening, so I took a still pic of it off the ZoomVideo app, emailing to operations to sort out. ZoomVideo gives me immeasurable peace of mind when away from the business.

- S Wettenhall, MD Wettenhalls Logistics

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