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Iyengar Yoga Classes

21 Gilbert Rd, West Preston, VIC, 3072

Call Now! 0407 811148

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I would recommend yoga at Yogaville to anyone...

5.0 star rating

I've been practising yoga at Yogaville for 18 months and it's been one of the best things I've ever done for myself. My 54 year old stressed, rigid body is now far more flexible and stronger than it's been for years. The classes are like an active meditation as they provide an opportunity for one's mind to become totally focussed, allowing the stresses of days that are too busy, to be forgotten, at least temporarily. What a relief after a hectic day in a classroom! The teachers at Yogaville understand that we all have different strengths and limitations and accommodate those within the classes, which means that although things may be challenging, nothing is too hard. I would recommend yoga at Yogaville to anyone.

- Jenn

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