Tamarin Tandoori

4.0 star rating
1 review

Tamarin Indian Restaurant we serve the best food visit us

Shop 2, 118-124 Leura Mall, Leura, NSW, 2780

Call Now! (02) 4784 2043

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Tamarin Indian Tandoori Restaurant's motto is "Food made with love". We use the best ingredients and prepare it with love to delight the taste buds of our patrons. All of this is done by our staff specially dedicated to provide the best service to our patrons and look after their needs.

Our cuisine brings out the distinctive flavors of the regional character of Indian cuisine. Our careful selection of spirits, wines and beers enhance the overall experience of our cuisine and our customers can bring their own wines if they prefer some other flavors.

Payment Methods Accepted:

Cash, Eftpos

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Good Service..

4.0 star rating

Very good item & food is very testy.

- Uttam

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