Narrabeen Butchery

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Butchers, Award winning sausages, texel lamb

1334 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen, NSW

Call Now! (02) 9970 5086

About Us
Narrabeen Butchery opened for trade on April 3rd, 1973 and has been setting the standard on the Northern Beaches ever since. Starting purely as a retail business servicing the top end local trade, the butchery quickly started wholesale contracting, initially in sausages. The market for Narrabeen Butchery was expanded to include restaurants, cake and pie shops.

In 1996 the Narrabeen Butchery began to enter competing and winning in Metropolitan, State and National Industry sausage-making competitions. This won the butchery some high profile contracts, such as David Jones Food Halls and IGA Supermarkets

Red Meat
The Narrabeen Butchery provides a wide range of high quality and great tasting cuts of beef, lamb and veal. From sirloins to chops, our friendly staff can help you cater to any occasion.

Why not pick up some pork? Lean pork actually has less fat than skinless chicken breast. It can be tender and juicy and is great for your health. From rump steaks, to butterfly steaks and pork medallions, we provide high quality pork to give your meals a new and exciting taste.

Texel Lamb

Texel lamb's were first breed over 200 years ago on the Isle of Texel, a province of North Holland and had been well known in Europe for their leanness, tenderness and superb flavour. They also offered all the qualities that the Australian consumer was demanding. An additional bonus was that Texel lamb did not have the strong smell while cooking of other lamb.

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