Sandcastle Natural Therapies

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Reflexology (including infertility & maternity & Chi), Auriculartherapy, Reiki & Metamorphosis

25 Elgin Pl, Winston Hills, NSW, 2153

Call Now! 0425 795691

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Natural therapies treats many conditions ranging from pain relief to physical &/or emotional stress, system imbalances, hormonal issues (infertility,pregnancy,menopause), sleep disturbances and much more.
Clients have: experienced complete relief from the intense pain of a toothache within minutes of receiving treatment; achieved successful, full term pregnancies for the first time, even when IVF has not succeeded. Other clients opt for ongoing treatments over a period of weeks for example; to gently recover from the effects of chemo and /or radiotherapy to detoxifying the body of residual chemicals, improving digestion, reducing pain, reducing oedema, and increasing their energy and a sense of well-being. Some clients continue their treatment for months or years in order to maintain their improved health.
As a member of ATMS (Australian Traditional-Medicine Society), many private health funds provide rebates on treatments. Each health fund is different - so confirm coverage. Fee $65/H

Payment Methods Accepted:

Cash, Bank Cheque, Money Order, Eftpos

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