Rejuvenate Salon & Spa

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Where beauty and well-being converge....

Suite 4, 'Abode' Building, 599 Pacific Hwy, St Leonards, NSW, 2065

Call Now! (02) 9966 0766

Your journey begins with a stress relieving massage - Master stylists and colourists combine exceptional artistry with the latest technology to create the right look for you.

An Aveda sensory journey begins our hairdressing services which include a Stress Relieving Massage for scalp & shoulders or hands.

As an Aveda Salon Spa we are committed to rejuvenation, reducing stress and simply pampering with plant-based products and extraordinary skin and body care treatments.Aveda products are derived from "the art and science of pure flower and plant essences"

Aveda believes that what you put on your body should be as healthy and natural as what you would put into it. Aveda beauty and cosmetics products are developed from plant-based ingredients, organically grown whenever possible that naturally soothe, invigorate and refresh.

In the spirit of caring for the mind, body and soul.

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Mon- Fri 9-late
Sat 9-6pm
Sun 9-5pm

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