Portraits R Us

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Portraits R Us melbourne professional photographers studio specialises in children,family portraits.

29, Glenview Rise, Berwick, VIC, 3806

Call Now! (03) 8786 7316

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As Melbourne’s leading portrait photographers, we are committed to providing you with an exceptional photographic service along with a large range of products tailored to your needs.
Our studio is professionally designed to achieve highest possible portrait session. Our studio consists of a separate viewing room with a large monitor, separate gallery, designing room and ofcourse a shooting bay. This includes a variety of backdrops, soft boxes and a natural light which is a complementing and fabulous lighting effects.
Tim is the studio's master photographer. He brings a fresh per­spec­tive to fine art fam­ily por­trai­ts fus­ing expe­ri­ence in fash­ion pho­tog­ra­phy with his ele­gant edi­to­r­ial style. Tim photographs preg­nancy, new­born babies, tod­dlers, chil­dren and fam­i­lies in a nat­ural, relaxed style that allows their true per­son­al­ity to shine through. Movement, emo­tion and fam­ily rela­tion­ships are key themes in his portfolio.

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