Living In Harmony

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We support you & your business with ideas based on the Ancient principles of Classical Feng Shui

Servicing the Lower North Shore Area of Sydney, NSW

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Dr. Ana Claudia Brandao, B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD.


Ana has been working as an educator since 1987, when she started teaching Chemistry at the Catholic University in Rio. Since then she acquired another two post-graduate degrees in Environmental Sciences.

Her commitment to living in a better planet has led her into discovering Buddhism and Feng Shui. Inspired by Feng Shui, Ana left a promising career as a Research Scientist to follow her heart.

A graduate from the Sydney School of Feng Shui since 2005, Ana now uses her scientific mind and her incredible intuition to help people feel empowered about their personal space. In November 2005 Ana started operating her business Living in Harmony Classical Feng Shui.

Ana uses her unique aptitude to communicate in simple language with her intuition and sensitivity to diagnose your home and suggest amazingly simple cures to the problems you have been experiencing in your home and office.

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Feng Shui is not a job to Ana...

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Ana is someone that is in sync with her vocation. Feng Shui is not a job to Ana and her love expressed in her great works is reflective instantaneously. Ana brought love and money to me by allowing for a few changes and clearing of unnecessary energy/ space takers… DO it! Act, don’t think… TRUST your feelings..

- J Thorpe

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