Jolly Goat Coffee

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Quality freshly roasted coffee

Servicing the Wanneroo Area of Perth, WA

Call Now! (08) 9304 4702

Jolly Goat Coffee sources only top grade 100% Arabica Beans from some of the finest coffee growing regions in the world. Were possible, Fair Trade, Rain Forest Alliance, Swiss Water Processed and Organic beans are selected.

The name Jolly Goat Coffee is derived from one of the most favourable stories of how Coffee was founded.

Around 800 AD in the African region of Harar there was a Goat herder by the name of Kaldi. Kaldi's daily routine was to let his goats roam free along the mountain side. When he was ready to head back home he called for his herd to return.

When the goats did not come back, he went looking for them and found them in a group eating bright red cherries off a bush he had not noticed before. He noticed that his goats were livlier, more active and "JOLLY" leaping and darting about.

When Kaldi noticed this he decided to eat some of the cherries himself and he to felt the affects of the caffiene and decided to take them back to the village. Over the years it had developed into a black brew in which we now call coffee.

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