Granata Eyecare - Optometrist

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Optometrist, Eyecare and Eyewear

1, 26 Florence St, Hornsby, NSW, 2077

Call Now! (02) 9477 1711

Granata Eyecare Optometrist in Hornsby provide the following services:

*Examinations for adults and children
*Children's vision training
*Low vision clinic and visual aids
*Functional visual assessments for adults & children
*Binocular / Perceptual vision investigation
*Treatment of "lazy eye" or amblyopia
*Contact lenses -coloured & disposable, our optometrist supply free trial lenses with every contact lens fitting.
* Latest fashion eyewear including frames & thin lens design
*One year frames warranty against damage
*One year contact lens warranty against damage
*Same day service available even bifocals & multi-focals
*Consultations Bulk-billed to Medicare & Veterans Affairs.

Our Optometrists will consider your overall vision problems, the health of your eyes and your specific visual needs. Our optometrists aim to provide our patients with the highest quality vision and eyecare available.

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