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Dockside Group

Group, Sydney, NSW, 2000

Call Now! (1300) 117118

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Dockside Group is committed to playing a role in achieving a sustainable future by promoting responsible business practices and seeking to minimise their impact on the environment.
Throughout their history, Dockside Group has always been dedicated to reducing paper usage and energy usage consistently focused on efficiently monitoring the generation of waste. The company has also maintained a successful recycling policy and always comply with environmental legislation and regulations.



For the past few years Dockside Group’s venues and restaurants have been involved in OzHarvest. OzHarvest rescues excess food from our venues and restaurants which would otherwise be discarded. This excess food is distributed to charities supporting the vulnerable and homeless in Sydney. OzHarvest believes that good food should not go to waste.

Trading Hours:

Mon:  9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Payment Methods Accepted:

Cash, Cheque, Bank Cheque

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