Cammeray Massage

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Massage, remedial massage, Swedish massage

1/459 Miller Street Cammeray NSW 2062

Call Now! 0412 021433

Cammeray Massage offers the following services:

Remedial Massage
Firm massage directed at remedying specific problems or problem areas.

Swedish or Relaxation Massage
Lighter and more flowing than remedial. Aimed at increased circulation, wellbeing and calming nerves.

Deep Muscle Therapy
Specific deep treatment for very adhered tissues. Good for chronic problems.

Deep Tissue Massage
Deeper than remedial to access the very deep layers of muscle and fascia.

Sports Massage; recovery, maintenance & pre event
Specific for sports people depending on what the purpose of the massage is, and what stage of their training program they are at. My sports massage is tailored to the specific sport the client is involved in. My knowledge of movement and biomechanics comes in handy here. Also, there's a reason Olympic athletes require regular massage to perform at their peak. Massage helps the muscles perform at their best!

Myofascial Work
Works with the muscles and fascia. Involves stretching and other tissue manipulations. Less invasive than the deep tissue techniques, yet very effective.

Trigger Point Work
Deals with pain points that give referred symptoms to another area. Often sciatica symptoms come from a referral from a trigger point.

Postural Assessment and Correction Work
Considers the nature of posture in relation to being a cause or a factor in a patients pain or problem. I use visual assessment skills, Range of Motion Testing, and Muscle Energy Technique alongside general massage work to help people re- align.

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Monday Tuesday Thursday
8am to 630 pm

8am to 4pm

8am to 4pm

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