C & W Bricklaying

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Bricklaying in Perth since 1988

Servicing the Southern Suburbs Area of Perth, WA

Call Now! 0411 844770

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C & W Bricklaying began contracting in Perth 20 years ago in 1988, we do all types of brick/block and limestone work, and as they say “no job is too big or too small.” My team varies in size between 8 and 15 depending on the size of the jobs; I have two other supervisors and two trucks that give us the flexibility and the capability of breaking into three teams.

We will do anything from mailboxes to multi-unit developments, from screen/retaining walls to schools, from a luxury house to a Church, or even an insurance job, and we will always be competitive in price no matter what the project, whether we are competing against a local one man team or a large commercial team.

I pride my team on our quality and reliability, if I commit to your job consider it done!

My team are all fully covered with the relative insurances and we are all blue card holders.

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