Australian Red Cross Blood Service

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Blood donation

Chatswood Donor Centre:1 Spring Street Chatswood NSW 2067

Call Now! 131 495

There are a number of reasons why Australia has one of the safest blood supply systems in the world. For a start, our blood donors are voluntary and unpaid. Donors give blood because they want to do something for the community and they know they are helping their fellow Aussies in a very practical way. Australia is also one of a handful of countries which is self-sufficient in the blood supply ... in other words, we give enough blood to meet the needs of the community. Another factor that contributes to Australia having one of the safest blood supply systems in the world are the regulations around which eligibility to give blood is determined. There are a range of reasons why anyone could be 'temporarily deferred' or 'permanently deferred' from giving blood, including age, recent short-term illness, past medical history, pregnancy status and lifestyle issues. Every time you give blood, the Australian Red Cross Blood Service is required to ensure you complete a detailed and confidential questionnaire, to make sure that the blood you are kindly and generously giving fulfills the eligibility criteria. This ensures it is as safe as possible for everyone.

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Visit our website (details on the left) to find out if you are eligle to donate blood. If you are, call us on 131495 to make an appointment.

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